Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas Pilgrimage

At this time of year people start defaulting to extended metaphors to explain some message of great significance. Across places of worship the darkening solstice gloom is pierced by the illumination of joy, singing and important messages.

On Saturday I undertook an important pilgrimage with a pregnant lady. Much as Joseph carefully led Mary to the stable or the three Wise Men trotted across the desert, we too travelled far for a divine revelation. Yea, we travelled to Newcastle and verily we did worship Duran Duran.

Is it going too far to claim Simon le Bon has messianic qualities? Sure, he had a time in the wilderness this summer when he lost his voice and all of creation fretted he would never sing again. He was, um, baptised into Duran Duran by John. And I can't think of any more far-fetched and faintly blasphemous correlations.

So, in the deep midwinter to Newcastle did we trek and there we feasted on the miracle that is Duran Duran.

Merry Christmas Duranies everywhere and god bless every one. Except Slutty Sandra who introduced Simon le Bon in an overly forward manner and who is now cast forever in the role of Duranie Mary Magdalen.