Monday 9 November 2009

Friday night

BBC4 is rightly the home of highbrow entertainment. A veritable cornucopia of classical music and books you should have read on your lit degree but you never did.

This week highlights include programmes on War Heroes, Michael Portillo and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Saucy.

However, on Friday, the brow will be higher than Sylvester Stone's mother's facelift.

10pm - the making of the classic album 'Rio'
10.55pm 'Wild Boys: The Story of Duran Duran'

When old John Logie Baird invented the tellybox he could never have foreseen how important it would be to keep people apprised of major historical events of the 20th century. The Hungarian revolution, the World Wars, John Taylor's t-shirt in the 'Rio' video.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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